Bangladeshi Tech giant Walton Digi-Tech Industries Limited has launched new Smartwatch in the market with the packaging of its watch device ‘TICK’. The Smartwatch with attractive design and features are available at all Walton showrooms across the country along with online platform Walcart and e-plaza. Priced at only 2,975 BDT, customers will get 6-month after sales service for the device.
On Wednesday (December 22, 2021) the Smartwatch was unveiled at a function at Multiplan Center in the capital. President of the Computer City Centre Shop Holders’ Society Tawfique Ehsan, General Secretary Subrata Sarkar, Walton Digi-Tech Industries Limited’s Chief Business Officer (CBO) Touhidur Rahman Rad and National Sales Manager of the Walton Computer Abul Hasnat were present among others at the program.
Long-lasting battery is the main attraction of the eye-catching Smartwatch which is made of a combination of round dial metal and plastic with the nordic series chipset. The Smartwatch, with its 1.3-inch IPS display, will give users amazing and effective experiences including step count, heart rate count, sleep monitoring, calorie burning, breath sensoring and others.
Through an app called ‘Walton Tick’, the smartwatch can be connected to smartphones and the apps can be downloaded from official App Store. The smartwatch has Bluetooth 5.0 technology to connect with cellphones. Users can check all types of notifications including SMS and click shutter remotely of their cellphone camera.
Walton Smartwatch Product Manager Saad Shihab said that the Tick brand Smartwatch has a 200mAh capacity powerful battery that is capable of taking full charge within 1.3 to 2 hours and provide 5 to 7 days maximum usage on a single charge. It will be on standby mode for 30 days. Customers get an extra nylon strap or ribbon with the Smartwatch. The device has IP 68 water resistant rating which means it is able to withstand under water for up to 30 minutes at the depth of 1.5 meters.
Touhidur Rahman Rad said that the new Smartwatch has been launched in the market in response to the demand of the customers. We expect that this product will gain huge responses from the tech lovers and we will come up with more models of Smartwatches soon.
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