Surprise call from Mustafa Jabbar on Facebook live. Jessore’s Khairuzzaman was utterly surprised on Tuesday night (15 December) when he got a phone call from Post and Telecommunication Minister Mustafa Jabbar. The Minister called him to congratulate him on his winning on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Quiz’s ‘Share and Win’ segment. Khairuzzaman and six other people have won the weekly lottery segment on Tuesday among more than 50 thousand people who shared the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Quiz or anything related to the quiz from 8 December to 14 December. The full lottery segment was live broadcasted on Priyo’s Facebook page (’s CEO Zakaria Swapan hosted the event. In the Facebook Live, a computerized lottery was held, and the Minister called all the winners immediately, congratulated them, and asked them about the feeling. The other six winners were Asma Akhter Minu from Gaibandha, Mina Begum from Kurigram, Chinmoy Dutta from Bagerhat, Al-Amin from Dhaka’s Mirpur, Hridoy from Dhaka’s Jatrabari, and Sheblur Rahman from Jhenaidaha. The weekly live lottery is only for those who shared the quiz or anything related to the quiz on Facebook and other social media platforms. You can learn more about it here: On the occasion of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s birth centenary, there is a 100-day-long quiz running on website and Priyo’s mobile app. The quiz is all about Bangabandhu’s life and work. The National Implementation Committee took the quiz initiative for Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s 100th Anniversary Celebration, and implemented it. One quiz is being given every day on the website and Priyo’s mobile app right after 12.01 AM. This quiz is not a traditional one-liner quiz; instead, there are some background and relative information about Bangabandhu’s life and works that were put on so that participants can get to know more about the father of the nation. One hundred winners are being selected by a computerized lottery system every day, and their names are shown on the website and the app. The first five winners get a Samsung M40 smartphone each, and all the winners get a Teletalk sim with 100 GB of data. The quiz will end on 10 March 2021.
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