Samsung Mobile Bangladesh launched the newest addition to its J2 series, Galaxy J2 Core. Top officials of Samsung Mobile launched the device through a ceremony at Jamuna Future Park in the capital yesterday. J2 series has been the highest-selling Samsung smartphones in the country with 17 lakh units getting sold countrywide.
The newly-launched J2 Core is targeted for customers who are looking for an entry level android device or upgrading to smartphone for the first time. Priced at only BDT 8,590, the J2 Core comes with 120 days replacement warranty, a first in the Bangladesh’s smartphone market. In addition to the replacement warranty, there will be one-year aftersales service for J2 Core.
“J2 series has been our highest selling series in the country due its consistent performance and budget friendliness. Smartphone penetration in Bangladesh is increasing quickly, and a device like the J2 Core will help many more people switch to smartphones. The phone is conveniently priced so that people can afford, and there is 120 days replacement warranty for people who are looking for further reliability,” said Md. Muyeedur Rahman, Head of Mobile, Samsung Mobile Bangladesh.
Galaxy J2 Core runs on Go edition of Android 8.1 Oreo, which ensures a smooth performance even on a basic Android phone. The phone has a dual-SIM slot and is powered by a quad-core processor and 1GB RAM. There is an 8-megapixel camera on the backside for capturing precious moments, and a 5-megapixel shooter on the front for selfies and video calling. The phone has 2600 mAh battery for un-interrupted performance. Users can enjoy upto 11 hours of non-stop YouTube go videos on a single charge. For on-the-go entertainment, the J2 Core has a 5-inch qHD display and 8 GB ROM which is further expandable through a microSD card.
Customers will be entitled to attractive bundle offers from Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink and Airtel.
Samsung Galaxy J2 Core can be purchased from all authorized Samsung outlets, GP sales channels, Banglalink stores, ROBI Centers across the country with the announced offers.
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