Recently, the award ceremony of Samsung campaign ‘My Galaxy My Color’ took place in Samsung showroom at capital’s Bashundhara City. Social media sensation Shahtaj Monira Hashem attended the ceremony and handed the prizes to the winners- Jawad Uddin, MD Al-Amin and Akbar Alam of red color phase (#ShadesOfRed).
The campaign started on November 23, 2018 and it will run till mid-December. The Facebook based campaign has been designed focusing the three colors of the 3 Samsung Galaxy devices (Red, Blue and Pink).
During the ceremony, Md. Muyeedur Rahman, Head of Mobile of Samsung Bangladesh said, “We started this campaign to strengthen the bond between Samsung and our customers. We received a huge response from the people regarding the first phase of the campaign. We believe, that we will receive greater response for the next two phases of the campaign too.”
More details can be found at
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