After returning from performing Umrah with her husband, Dhaka film actress Mahiya Mahi has announced her withdrawal from a web-film ‘Kagojer Biye’ directed by Chayanika Chowdhury, showing her “illness” for the reason to back up from acting in the film.
Meanwhile, the filmmaker Chayanika was in trouble with Mahiya Mahi’s decision. Although Mahi backed from the film, she has seen hanging out with her husband for the last two days. Mahi also shared pictures of her trip with her husband on social media.
Many think Mahi’s decision just two days before the shooting is an “amateur behavior”.
As Mahi moved away, Chayanika got Pori Moni as an alternative actress for the film. As Pori Moni is very close to her, Chayanika said she was “very happy” to get Pori Moni.
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