South Indian actress Monica had embraced Islam, earlier last year and changed her name to Rahima. The pretty actress who became popular with a role in `Azhagi` went on to star in a few films as a heroine. She had also bid adieu to her film career and added that she was planning to tie the knot, soon in May 2014.
The latest news is that the pretty actress is set to tie the knot with a Chennai- based entrepreneur Malik, whose hometown is Madurai. The marriage is set to happen on January 11, 2015 in Chennai. The marriage is said to a be an arranged marriage. It is reported that Malik is the son of actress Monika`s father`s close friend.
Born as Rekha Maruthiraj, she took the name Monica for her acting career in Tamil and Telugu films. Later, she changed her name to Parvana for Malayalam films. Now her Muslim name is MG Rahima. Monica has been part of films including Inidhu Inidhu Kadhal Inidhu, Isai Arasan 23m Pulikesi, Varnam and Jannal Oram.
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