Abdul Latif Siddique, the former minister accused of hurting religious sentiments, has been sent to prison. Magistrate Atikur Rahman of Dhaka’s Chief Metropolitan Magistrates Court gave the order after the Tangail MP appeared before him on Tuesday afternoon. He did not plead for bail in the case filed over the comment he made against Hajj during a discussion in New York.
Clad in a striped white shirt, his hands were folded across his chest while being escorted by police.
Siddique was removed from his post as telecoms minister and also from the ruling Awami League after his anti-Hajj remark at a discussion in New York on Sept 28.
Multiple warrants for his arrest were issued after he did not heed to the court’s summons.
The 77-year old freedom fighter was abroad when these developments took place. He went to UK and then stayed in India before suddenly returning home on Sunday.
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