Bangladeshi actress Joya Ahsan will star in Indranil Roychowdhury directed movie `Bangali Vooter Goppo` (The Bangali horror stories). The trailer of the movie has been showing on Indian TV channel Zee Bangla. The movie is slated to be premiered on 17 May on Zee Bangla at 9:30pm.
Asked about the film Joya said, “Ghost is an element of this film. All I can say right now is my character`s name is Amrita Dutta, who is a female entrepreneur. The movie is full of suspense and thriller. The audience won`t be able to anticipate the end.”
“Indranil Roychowdhury is one of my favourite filmmakers. I was eager to work with him since I watched his work in `Foring`. Working in this film was a great experience,” Joya added.
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