Jaya Ahsan announced the second movie to be made from her production house, C-tey Cinema after ‘Debi’. She took her Facebook page to make the disclosure where she revealed the movie title as ‘Phurut’. Jaya also shared a paper artwork upon the newly announced movie.
She gave the caption, “We are coming up with a new movie in 2019. Details will be revealed soon.” Jaya thanked everyone including the viewers, cinema hall owners, journalists, advertisers, distributor, artists and associated others who lent support to the ‘journey of Debi’, her maiden venture from C-tey Cinema.
‘Debi’ starred Jaya Ahsan, Shabnam Faria, Animesh Aich, Iresh Zaker and Chanchal Chowdhury, among others. This movie earned large-scale success and praises from the cine lovers and critics as well.
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