Mr. Shafique-ul-Azam, Managing Director, MIDAS Financing Limited (MFL) and Mr. Md. Serajul Islam, CEO, ERA InfoTech Limited, exchanging document after signing an agreement. The agreement outlines the supplying of NBFI Core Solution, Loan Origination & Approval, HR & Payroll Management and other Applications at MIDAS conference room on 18th February 2019.
High official of both the companies, Mr. Md. Abdul Wadud, GM& Company Secretary, Mr. Md. Monirul Islam, GM, Mr. Atiar Rahman Ansary, GM, Mr. Abu Mirja Md. Sayem, Head of ICT of MFL and Mr. Tauhidul Hoque, CTO, Mr. A.S.M. Nurun Nabi, Head of Business, Mr. A.H.M Parvej Kabir, Head of Operation of ERA and other officials from MFL and ERA were present on this occasion.