DPS STS School Dhaka recently hosted a two-day long debate competition organized by the DPS STS Debate Club at the school’s Senior Campus. 40 teams from over 30 schools of Dhaka participated in the competition, exhibiting exceptional skills of critical reasoning and oratory.
It was the first ever interschool debate competition organized by the DPS STS Debate Club, where spectators witnessed thought-provoking exchange of ideas among some of the most creative young minds. The student-led event wrapped after a concert by school band “Ignite” and an Open Mic segment for all.
Regarding the competition, Dr Shivananda C S, Principal of DPS STS School Dhaka said, “The art of oratory and generating logical counter arguments require higher degree of reasoning skills. Our students from DPS STS Debate Club have made me proud with their organizing skills, as they have presented us with such a marvelous event. While 40 teams participated, hundreds of other students were also greatly motivated by their confident approach and strong approach with own perspectives.
Debating allows students to evaluate the facts and busts our myths and clarifies opinionated understanding. In a world where rumors spread faster than facts, debating is a time tested way to persuade others to see with clarity. Bangladesh has produced world class debaters. I hope DPS STS Debate Tournament produces more such champions. I would like to convey my heartiest congratulations and best wishes to all the organizers and participants for their future endeavors”.
The two-day long event was sponsored by Daraz Bangladesh and Baly Group, and was organized in partnership with Universal College Bangladesh – Monash College Program, Bangladesh Finance, Toitomboor, Sepnil and Fashion Exclusive Bangladesh.
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