In a surprising move, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced his resignation from the top post just two days after being granted bail and released from prison. At a party meeting held this afternoon, Kejriwal declared his decision to step down, stating that he would not resume office until the public delivers its verdict in upcoming elections.
Kejriwal expressed his desire to “get justice from the people’s court,” following his recent legal victory. “Two days later, I will resign as Chief Minister. I will not sit on that chair till the people announce their verdict,” he stated. The Chief Minister emphasized that while he received justice from the legal system, he seeks validation from the electorate before returning to office.
He further urged Delhi residents to reflect on his tenure and determine his innocence or guilt. “If I have worked, vote for me,” Kejriwal added, signaling his intention to let the electoral process decide his political fate.
The resignation paves the way for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to convene a meeting of its Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) within the next two days to appoint an interim Chief Minister. The political shift comes ahead of scheduled elections in Delhi, setting the stage for a potentially contentious political landscape in the capital.
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