A case was filed in a court in Kanpur on Saturday against Aamir Khan and the producer and director of new movie “PK” after its poster showed the Bollywood star in the nude except for a transistor covering his private parts.
In the complaint, lawyer Manoj Dixit accused the actor, producer Vidhu Vinod Chopra and director Rajkumar Hirani of promoting nudity and vulgarity.
The film is scheduled for release in December.
The court listed the case for August 7 when the contention of the petitioner would be heard and, if needed, the producer, director and actor will be served notice to appear before it.
The petitioner said Aamir Khan has considerable influence on the youth of today and any such act would only tempt youths to emulate him, thereby threatening the social order.
This in turn, he added, would lead to cases of sexual offences.
Many newspapers had printed posters of the forthcoming movie in which Aamir Khan is reportedly playing an alien.
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