After a studio hiatus of two years, renowned rock band Arbovirus is releasing their much-awaited EP titled “Otopor” on April 14, 2019. The EP will be launched exclusively on GP Music App. The album will consist of 4 songs with three songs to be available from 14th April and the fourth to be launched in May.
The album will consist of new compositions as well as materials that date back as early as 2004. The sound of this new album will be unique with signature feel of Arbovirus giving the audience a feeling of nostalgia. The album is to be followed by a music video, a concert and a meet & greet session with the fans. In addition, a Rockumentary is also to be launched bringing out the untold stories of Arbovirus on their musical journey, songwriting process, inspirations, future plans which are to be complimented by messages from their fans. It will be released as small episodes. The Rockumentary and the Music video will be published on GP Music Facebook Page and YouTube channel.
Arbovirus says that this EP will give their audience something new and something that they can look forward to experiencing a newer side of them.
Following full length albums 64m 53s, Montobbo Nishproyojon and Bishesh Droshtobbo, this the fourth studio installment from Arbovirus.
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